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The Most Flexible & Complete Theme

Custom Building Blocks

Tons of amazing custom builder blocks developed specifically for the Total theme makes it easier then ever to create complex and awesome layouts.

Rocket Speed Code

Don’t get stuck with a poorly coded theme that takes forever to load. Total has been coded clean and efficiently to ensure fast loading times.

Happy Customers

According to a recent study it has been shown that on average customers of the Total WordPress theme live happier lives then those who do not own it.

Recent From The Portfolio

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Client Testimonials

Easy To Use Page Builder

Cras eu justo dignissim, tincidunt eros a, ullamcorper leo. Donec adipiscing a quam sed accumsan. Morbi porta!

Great Options

Nullam velit purus, ultricies eget metus non, eleifend egestas arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Donec non turpis nec nunc tincidunt commodo. Duis ac nisi magna. Quisque faucibus eleifend dictum. Mauris rhoncus mollis nisl sed congue. Maecenas in lorem ut orci porta dapibus. Suspendisse velit nunc, scelerisque non metus eget, fringilla iaculis dui. Etiam ligula purus, imperdiet a tortor vel, tincidunt euismod sem.

Beautiful Galleries

Vestibulum ultrices purus sit amet blandit fringilla. Vivamus vestibulum, turpis et tincidunt lobortis, tellus eros malesuada tortor, sit amet mollis nisl arcu in nulla.

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